B21 Art Hive
info and Community Guidelines
By registering for the B21 Art Hive space, you agree to the following:
Coming soon: Students!!
To use the Art Hive space, please register yourself by sending an email to info@building21.ca with the subject line [ART HIVE]. You will also need to talk to Anita to go over the B21 Code of Conduct and to get card access.
Once registered, you may store your personal art supplies in any free space in the Blue Room closet. Please be mindful of other students and do not occupy too much space.
The Art Hive hours are from 5pm-8pm on weekdays. Weekend access is available to regular B21 community members. Keep in mind that card access is required to enter the building after hours, and the doors are locked after 8pm.
Please keep the space clean and tidy up after yourself after every use. Cleaning supplies can be found in the kitchen. After using the easel or the drawing table, please store them in the closet (for the easel) or lean them upright against the wall (for the drawing table).
Please show respect to other students’ belongings as well as their projects and artworks. Feedback should only be given with consent and should always pertain to a specific aspect of their work that the artist wishes to improve on.
Public Materials
Public materials will be stored on the white standing shelf in the closet and can be used by any student. Return public materials to the place that you found them. Please treat the equipment (the easel and drawing table) with care, so that they last in good condition as long as possible.
As a rule of thumb, no more than 6 people should be using the room at once (4 lounge chairs, 1 table, and 1 stool). Spots are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. During Art Hive hours, priority is given to students actively working on an art project.